Have you gotten the entrepreneurial bug about running your own restaurant? Have you dreamed about being a chef? Do you watch the Food Channel a lot? Glover Park is fertile ground for your aspirations. The neighborhood has nine restaurant properties where restaurants have closed or will be closing soon. Some are actively marketed for lease, others are just beginning the search process and a few others are a bit hazy on the current status. A few have been shuttered for years. It's not all bad though - Glover Park does have twenty restaurants currently open for business on the short Wisconsin Avenue strip with diverse offerings to satisfy just about anyone. Two have opened in the past couple of months (Chasqa & Point Chaud), and one is re-opening this month (Slate/Xiquet).
These nine properties are calling to you to get out there and start your own venture. With all the opportunity you probably could negotiate a good deal:

Angelico Pizzeria
2313 Wisconsin Ave, NW
Owner, who has 6 Angelico's, was thinking about closing at the end of the year, and is actively marketing the property for lease (see blog article)
- 1950 sf main level restaurant with basement
- 725 sf 2nd floor office with 3 rooms plus kitchen
- $100K annual lease for the main floor restaurant. On the average pizza profit margin, that's about 28,000 pizzas sold to cover the rent?
Bourbon building

2348 Wisconsin Ave, NW
Owner closed for renovations 4 years ago and the property has sat vacant, fenced and dilapidated since then (see blog article). It appears a vacant property tax appeal has failed and the taxes are piling up again. It might be available for sale or lease, the advertising lately has been hazy:
Sells with architectural plans for 3100 sf on 3 levels plus basement and 1200 sf of outdoor space and liquor license
Currently 2 story, vacant 4 years. Building permits appear to have expired.
Price: not disclosed

Cafe Romeo's
2132 Wisconsin Ave, NW
Appeared to have been raided by police in September for their weekly thinly-veiled weed gatherings, yet we could not locate any arrest records. Restaurant was shut down by DC Health Department and the DC Regulatory Authority soon after for various violations/hazards. No indication yet of advertising for a new tenant.

Heritage India space
2400 Wisconsin Ave, NW
They moved up the street and the large space has been vacant for 3 years now (see blog article). Building owner also rents other space in building to Arcuri and Dumplings and Beyond.
3800 sf on second level of building
Last advertised for $95,000/year
Not marketed publicly for a while

Mason Inn building
2408 Wisconsin Ave, NW
Vacant since March 2018 when Mason Inn owners decided the profitability was not great (see blog article). Owner was considering building it out himself and then leasing. Plans not moving forward yet.
2100 sf on one level currently
Architectural plans for renovation and 2nd floor expansion with roof deck
Price: not disclosed

Subway Restaurant building
2216 Wisconsin Ave, NW
Subway currently remains open but the building is actively marketed for lease
2400 sf for lease
1 level
Price: undisclosed
Available: date flexible

Slate Wine Bar
2404 Wisconsin Ave, NW
Closed and under renovation since spring. Not for sale or lease, but owner is looking for manager and executive chef for the restaurant while he focuses on upstairs sister restaurant called Xiquet.. He plans to re-open this month (see blog article). Rendering from //3877 Studio

Surfside building
2444 Wisconsin Ave, NW
Closing end of year to move uptown
Actively advertised for lease (there's a phone number in the window at least)
2500 sf on 1 level, plus roof top deck and bar
Price: not disclosed
Available: Jan 2020

Town Hall building
2340 Wisconsin Ave, NW
Closed this summer to pursue other more lucrative restaurant ventures. See blog article.
5800 s.f. (huge!) plus outdoor bar and patio.
actively marketed for lease
Price: not disclosed