Whole Foods in Glover Park has been closed for over two years now, and their lawsuit against the landlord Wical LP for wrongful eviction has been delayed again. Both parties petitioned the court to extend again the pre-trial discovery period, which now ends August 19th, 2019. When will the trial be scheduled and how long will it take? Who knows. Do you care at this point? Trader Joe's will be opening down the street in July.
On top of this, the DC Office of Tax and Revenue has declared 2323 Wisconsin Ave NW a class 3 vacant property for tax purposes, which nearly triples the tax rate on such commercial properties. OTR is reporting $296,000 in unpaid property taxes, including interest and penalties assessed in arrears back to 2018. Will it stick or can they fight it due to the active lawsuit? I don't know, but there's a monkey wrench in the works....
Rumors have been swirling about condos, mixed-use redevelopment and expansion, on-and-off settlement talks, the involvement or non-involvement of Amazon, Whole Foods' parent company, yet nothing is confirmed at the moment.

See some background about the case at the prior articles below: