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Glover Park Trees

Glover Park's tree canopy was measured most recently at 43%, above the city average of 37%, which puts DC in the top 10 tree-friendly large cities in the country. We have a diverse tree population including oak, elm, sweetgum, cherry, ginko, poplar, beech, crepe myrtle, linden, magnolia, maple and more. Arguably the grandest tree in the neighborhood is Stoddert Elementary's 55-inch white oak. Is there a spot outside your residence where you think a new tree would fit nicely? Is there an old tree not looking so great that you think should be taken down before it falls? Would you like to become a Glover Park tree steward and take care of a new tree? Do you have a strong opinion about the ginko trees and wish to mobilize your neighbors to save or remove these trees? All of this is within your power as a resident of Glover Park.

DC trees come under the jurisdiction of the Urban Forestry Division of the DC Department of Transportation. They track, map and monitor every tree in a public space in Glover Park here as well as plantings, removals, prunings and tree types. Any tree removal, pruning or planting you wish to undertake yourself in the public space requires a tree permit. Apply here if you have a need or desire.

Glover Park needs your help to take care of its trees. You can become a Canopy Keeper by filling out an application here. Locate a tree on the tree map, send in the application, and DC will install a watering bag on a developing tree. You agree to keep it filled with water in season, as well as mulch and weed around the tree for a minimum of 2 years. Do you see a tree that appears to be in bad shape and might need to be removed? Call the city's 311 service to schedule it, but first check the tree removal map to see if it has been scheduled already.

Have you ever walked down 39th Place in the Fall after dark with the old street lamps lighting up the explosion of gold leaves on the ginko trees? It is quite a sight. Many residents though, cannot put up with the smell of the berries. The smell has been described as "dirty socks", "rotting cheese" and "vomit". The city does have a plan to control the growth of the berries on the female ginko trees though it does not seem to be effective. As an alternative, they have come up with a plan to allow residents to decide to remove these trees in a democratic way - if 60% of the owners on a particular block with ginkos sign a petition to remove the trees, the Urban Forestry Division will submit the petition to the ANC3B and councilmember Mary Cheh to approve it. Maybe a better berry control plan is needed (how about simply sweeping them up as soon as they fall?) but removal is a drastic option now.

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