Four big events take place on Halloween in Glover Park: 1) the Stoddert Elementary costume parade, 2) the Glover Park neighborhood costume parade, 3) Trick-or-Treating! which is big in Glover Park, and 4) the Zombie Apocalypse (?!)

Stoddert Elementary School Halloween Costume Parade
Monday 10/31 at 1:45
All students will parade around the large Stoddert block (Calvert/39th/Davis)
It's a sight to see. Many teachers and staff will be in costume as well
Neighborhood Costume Parade
Monday 10/31 at 5:30
Begins at Stoddert Elementary, to 39th Place, Benton, Huidekoper, Beecher, 39th St and back to Stoddert.
All are welcome to participate
Monday 10/31, crowds build up just before sunset and go to about 8:30 or so.
Kids must be bused in from the whole region, because we can't have that many kids in Glover Park can we?
The most active areas center around Benton, Beecher and W, and the north/south streets that connect them.
The Zombie Apocalypse
10/31 during trick-or-treating time
Take a break from Trick-or-Treating and come see the elaborate, spooky, scary Zombie Apocalypse on W Street between Observatory and Huidekoper
Arranged by a couple of our neighbors who apparently really like Halloween!
Are your kids brave enough to go up the stairs? (not mine)