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Halloween 2016 in Glover Park

Four big events take place on Halloween in Glover Park: 1) the Stoddert Elementary costume parade, 2) the Glover Park neighborhood costume parade, 3) Trick-or-Treating! which is big in Glover Park, and 4) the Zombie Apocalypse (?!)

Stoddert Elementary School Halloween Costume Parade

  • Monday 10/31 at 1:45

  • All students will parade around the large Stoddert block (Calvert/39th/Davis)

  • It's a sight to see. Many teachers and staff will be in costume as well

Neighborhood Costume Parade

  • Monday 10/31 at 5:30

  • Begins at Stoddert Elementary, to 39th Place, Benton, Huidekoper, Beecher, 39th St and back to Stoddert.

  • All are welcome to participate


  • Monday 10/31, crowds build up just before sunset and go to about 8:30 or so.

  • Kids must be bused in from the whole region, because we can't have that many kids in Glover Park can we?

  • The most active areas center around Benton, Beecher and W, and the north/south streets that connect them.

The Zombie Apocalypse

  • 10/31 during trick-or-treating time

  • Take a break from Trick-or-Treating and come see the elaborate, spooky, scary Zombie Apocalypse on W Street between Observatory and Huidekoper

  • Arranged by a couple of our neighbors who apparently really like Halloween!

  • Are your kids brave enough to go up the stairs? (not mine)

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