If you haven't done so yet, you can request a 2016 Visitor Parking Pass easily and for free! Previously these were sent automatically to all eligible households, but now you must request it (which seems more practical and efficient to me....go figure). The pass cannot be used in lieu of registering your car, but it is great for guests so they don't need to move their car after 2 hours! In addition, there was some confusion about whether contractors in commercial vehicles may use it. Here is a quote from the DDOT's FAQs:
"Any visitor may use a Pass from an eligible resident. Visitors may include your guests, or commercial vehicles actively engaged in construction, maintenance, repair, or reconstruction work at a residence. A Pass can be used on any motor vehicle even though the motor vehicle displays a residential permit parking sticker for another zone."

In addition, due to the trailers in the Stoddert parking lot (euphemistically called "de-mountables") to create additional class space, and the work being done on Stoddert's solar panels this year, Stoddert teachers and staff sometimes need to borrow them for the school day when the lot is blocked. It would be nice to have extra inventory of these passes when they are needed at Stoddert, sometimes on short notice.
Here is the link to request yours. Takes 2 minutes! https://vpp.ddot.dc.gov/vpp/