Glover Park Pets
This section is dedicated to our Glover Park pets, of which there are many. Dogs, cats, birds, and who knows what else is out there! Please email me to submit a picture and short description.

Denali is new to Glover Park/DC after having spent his first 2 years in upstate New York, keeping his human sane while she completed medical residency training. He has been in obedience training since he was a puppy and is a certified therapy dog. In NY, he participated in animal-assisted therapy for health care workers, medical students, and nursing home residents—and is looking forward to getting back to work in a new city. His favorite things include long walks, dog park runs, giving kisses and chatting up strangers of all ages. He is excited to make new human and furry friends in the neighborhood!
Scout is a happy-go-lucky Brittany Spaniel puppy who lives with her pup-parents on Wisconsin Ave. She enjoys spending her time at all of the Glover Park dog parks and can frequently be spotted cuddling up to any human who’s willing to pet her or any dog willing to chase her around. Her favorite hobbies include chasing butterflies and birds, eating peanut butter, hunting pheasants, and going on group dog walks when mom and dad are at work.
Tink is a small Golden Retriever mix from South Carolina and celebrates her birthday on St. Patrick's Day. Tink is a gentle dog who likes all people small and large, even the mailman, and expects everyone to stop and pet her. She is a little wary of large dogs and barking dogs, but is content to watch them from a distance, and play with the small, quiet dogs at the dog park. She is terribly afraid of thunder, and likes chasing (but not catching) squirrels. Her favorite activity is meeting her human sisters at Stoddert or greeting them when they come home.
I am an easy-going fellow looking for a forever home! I am living with a Washington Humane Society foster family until my future family adopts me. I enjoy toys filled with catnip, Temptations cat treats, naps, and playing with laser pointer toys! I am great about using my scratching pads and am more of a ground dweller than the hop-all-over-your- furniture type. I think I will do best in a quiet home (my foster family is only adults), so I would be a great companion for a working person or someone with a busy schedule.
Introducing TWINKIE (brown tabby), shown here with his late brother, Scout. Twinkie is quite well-known around his block and on the trails of Glover-Archbold Park, where he is takes his family, Jill, Dmitry, and Liev, for evening strolls. He recently celebrated his Sweet 16. He is always happy and loves to say "hello" to passing neighbors, even pooches. He is an indoor cat, so if you ever see him unaccompanied, help guide him back home to 2209 40th, as he occasionally sneaks off his back porch without permission.
Hi, my name is WINNIE (short for Winnie the Pooh) and I am a 2-year old cockapoo. I might be the biggest cockapoo you've ever seen, and I can't decide whether I'm a lap dog or a big boy. I love frolicking in the park and playing with other dogs. I am spoiled because my mom works from home full time and takes me on mid-day walks and adventures. I also enjoy road trips -- sometimes mom even lets me drive! Hope to see you in the neighborhood
A Black Lab-Border Collie mix from rural Loudoun County, always took maximum advantage of the unique woods & water environs that we call home. As a pup, he frequented much of Glover-Archibold, Battery-Kimbel and the C&O canal (and particularly loved swimming IN the canal!). His last several years, he lived on 38th Street near W, and although he had slowed down a little, still frequented at least two or three times per day the “Ball Fields” and trails throughout Glover-Archbold Park. An exceptionally friendly, sweet, loyal and trusting companion, Abe will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved him.
This Is OXFORD (I went to Miami of Ohio in Oxford). He was born May 25, so he's the baby in the neighborhood. He lives on Observatory place (above Bear) and is still learning the ropes of Glover Park. If any well trained dogs would like to show him the ways, my roommates and I would really appreciate it! ;) He starts puppy kindergarten soon! He enjoys fighting with the cat, trying to escape through the fence, and coming to work on Capitol Hill. Although he has 900 toys, fingers and toes still taste the best!
AMY is a golden retriever mix (mixed with what? no one knows...) who lives on Benton Street. She could win Neurotic Dog of the Year as she likes everything in its place and gets worried about anything out of the ordinary. She likes tennis balls, car rides and anything made of meat. Dislikes: cats, thunderstorms and the mailman.